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Roupas falsificadas são apreendidas e proprietária encaminhada à delegacia, em Goiânia

A Polícia Civil de Goiás, por meio da Delegacia Estadual de Repressão a Crimes Contra o Consumidor (DECON), apreendeu, na manhã desta terça-feira (8), mais de 400 peças de roupas falsificadas, durante cumprimento de mandado de busca e apreensão em estabelecimento comercial em Goiânia.

A responsável pela loja foi encaminhada à delegacia e será investigada pela prática de delitos contra as marcas, previstos na Lei 9.279/96, e também poderá responder por crimes contra as relações de consumo, previstos na Lei 8.137/90.


Counterfeit clothes are seized and owner taken to police station in Goiânia

The Civil Police of Goiás, through the State Police Station for Repression of Crimes Against Consumers (DECON), seized, on Tuesday morning (8), more than 400 pieces of counterfeit clothing, during the execution of a search and seizure warrant. in a commercial establishment in Goiânia.

The person responsible for the store was taken to the police station and will be investigated for committing crimes against brands, provided for in Law 9,279/96, and may also answer for crimes against consumer relations, provided for by Law 8,137/90.

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