The State Treasury Office (Sefaz-MT) retained this week goods being transported in irregular situations, without the proper tax documentation. The actions were conducted within the state of Mato Grosso and prevented tax evasion of about BRL 320 thousand, corresponding to the value of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS).
In the Rio Correntes Tax Station, on the border between the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, agents located, with the support of the Federal Highway Police (PRF), a school bus carrying various products such as footwear, toys and caps. In Barra do Garças, the advanced inspection unit arrested a shipment of cigarettes.
The seizures occurred during routine operations where Sefaz agents, when inspecting the loads, found that there were no tax documents required for transport. The goods that were entering the state were valued at BRL 936.38 thousand.
The terms of Seizure and Deposit (TADs) were drawn up and the companies that owned the products will have to collect the amount corresponding to the tax due and fine for the violation. Once the situation is regularized, the loads can be released. The values must be paid within 90 days, otherwise the goods will be destined as provided by law.
Sefaz points out that the transport of goods without tax documentation or accompanied by inadequate tax documentation is a crime against the tax system under Law 8137/90. In addition to being fined, the companies identified in transit committing irregularities are also subjected, subsequently, to audit actions.