Auditors from the Economic Secretariat’s (SEEC) Goods in Transit Inspection, Monitoring and Special Audits and Tax Audit departments seized more than BRL 39.6 million worth of irregular products during Operation Carnival. In 20 days of action, 158 tax procedures were recorded.
“The actions also protect those who regularly fulfill their tax obligations, preventing those who evade from competing unfairly” Ney Ferraz, Secretary of Economy
More than 50,000 cans and 40,000 bottles of beer, 3,900 bottles of spirits and almost 15 tons of clothing, as well as footwear and electronic products that were not in compliance with taxes, were detained. The inspections were carried out on roads, highways, airports, transport companies, commercial establishments and passenger transport companies. The amount of taxes refunded to the GDF is BRL 9.5 million.
The taxes collected are used by the state as tax revenue to develop public policies for the development of works and improvements in the areas of education, health, security, mobility and social programs.
Fighting tax evasion
“The aim of the tax authorities’ systematic action is to recover funds that would no longer enter the DF’s public coffers,” explains Economy Secretary Ney Ferraz.”The actions also protect those who regularly fulfill their tax obligations, preventing those who evade from competing unfairly.”
Launched in several commercial establishments, the actions also focused on credit card machines and Pix registered with third parties’ CPFs and CNPJs. The maneuver is made to exempt the owner of the establishment from collecting taxes, such as the Tax on Operations Relating to the Circulation of Goods (ICMS).
The auditors also worked at Brasília Airport, with the aim of guaranteeing the collection of ICMS on imports, and at passenger transport companies, when they identified the omission of this tax on tickets, especially during the Carnival period when there was a large influx of passengers.
Sunday action
Last Sunday (18), a team of six auditors seized approximately 1,200 bottles of alcoholic beverages. The goods, worth approximately R$80,000, did not have an invoice and were mixed with a load of soybean oil. The routine inspection took place on the BR-020 highway, near Sobradinho.
“This procedure adopted by tax evaders has been combated by the Department of the Economy’s inspection teams, which work 24 hours a day, every day of the week and weekends,” emphasizes SEEC’s Tax Inspection coordinator, Silvino Nogueira Filho.