A load of whiskey and gin without tax documentation was seized by the State Department of Finance of Alagoas (Sefaz-AL) in Maravilha, in the interior of the state. The inspection took place in the early hours of Thursday (1).
The beverages that were being transported in the truck were purchased in Alagoas and had São Paulo as their final destination. The seized goods were valued at BRL 269 thousand.
The cargo consisted of 100 cases of whiskey and 500 cases of gin that were hidden behind bales of popcorn inside the truck.
According to Sefaz, the companies with inconsistencies signed terms and the goods were released after payment of the fine.
"Withholdings are only made of those who are effectively irregular with their tax collection obligations. However, most of the deductions are due to irregularities in the absence of tax documents. And this type of approach serves exactly to avoid unfair competition",explained the special secretary of the State Revenue, Francisco Suruagy.